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Jul 9, 2021, 20 tweets

CPAC Dallas ticket prices top out at $15,000 per person and are “sold out.”

Regular admission tickets for CPAC Dallas are $275 a person.

Ticket packages jump to $2,750 and $6,750 after that. The $15,000 highest tier is sold out.

At CPAC Dallas, US Rep Madison Cawthorn says, “school board members have lied to the American people.”

CloutHub is sponsoring CPAC Dallas and says they are committed to free speech. This just means racists run unchecked on their platform.

Shirt sold in the official CPAC store: “Can’t cancel the USA.”

QAnon shirts are being sold at CPAC Dallas for $25.

Uh oh. A vendor at CPAC Dallas was caught on video dragging an American Flag on the ground.

The American Flag that was dragged by CPAC Dallas vendor “The MAGA Mall” has the words “America First” on it.

Caitlin Jenner is on hand at CPAC Dallas.

Despite being accused by Trump of conspiring to assassinate JFK, Ted Cruz’s dad, Rafael Cruz, is attending CPAC Dallas which is headlined by Trump.

Actual session at CPAC Dallas…

Yikes! CPAC Dallas is auctioning off an item commemorating the assassination attempt of President Ronald Reagan complete with photos.

CPAC is also auctioning off a “taste of the South” vacation “filled with Southern charm” with “Civil War” learning opportunities in Charleston, SC.

CPAC is auctioning off sports memorabilia too including these Magic Johnson and Muhammad Ali signed items.

Looks like CPAC is having trouble telling Reggie Jackson and Bo Jackson apart.

CPAC ads against “critical race theory” from Tea Party Patriots and the Heritage Foundation.

They don’t want people to know the nation’s history.

GETTR is advertising with CPAC as having “superior technology” even though they cloned Twitter and have been hacked since launching.

There is a CPAC session defending genocidal Christopher Columbus on Saturday.

Thread getting too long. Pt. 2 is here. ⤵️

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