Kaelan Ramos Profile picture
Multi-Media Editor | Enjoyer of vintage anime, film, and joshi puroresu | Curator of curious things 【 Sailor Moon S @EVO Champion 🔥 】

Jul 9, 2021, 9 tweets

I don't know who made this, but I'm now reminded every day that they've basically rewritten Naoko Takeuchi's personal history in the public consciousness for the sake of social media engagements with only a single post, and that's so bizarre. Is it that easy to do?

hold on, gang

By the time Naoko Takeuchi began Sailor Moon, she was already a well-respected award-winning artist, having already written three series along with a handful of one-shot stories. She also had many friends, which is what inspired her to write a girl team-up manga to begin with.

Here is a fresh, hi-res scan of the full interview with Naoko Takeuchi from Animerica (1996). This is where she discusses how her own friendships with other women inspired her to write Sailor Moon, a manga that emphasizes the strength that mutual support & friendship can provide.

In many cases, it can actually be difficult for starving artists to make good art (because they are starving). It can be hard to do anything if you aren't in a good place - I know this from personal experience. Might partially be why this bugs me so much.

This is actually gaining some traction, so I think we may have a chance to debunk this myth on a wide scale. If you know any prominent journalists, news sites, YouTubers, etc that may want to cover this please forward this thread to them or tag them.

@JustinWhang created a short video regarding this viral lie. Please share this around as well. Thank you, Justin!!

Another point I've been thinking about is that the true story is just as uplifting (if not more) than the fake narrative. You can actually just tell the truth & that can go viral too. Rene Martinez words it here better than I can (from the comments of Justin Whang's YouTube vid)

Screenshot in OP was a post on Facebook by Geek News Network - they have since edited the post & released a correction article. If you finds others posting this image, do not be afraid to let them know it's fake & request a correction and/or removal.


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