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Dad to two kids. Husband of @SujataTV. Meteorologist: @WBZ. Part 107 Pilot. #Golf #ChooseLove. Creator of EmojiCast. Pittsburgh born, Ohio raised. @SigmaChi

Jul 9, 2021, 10 tweets

Tropical Storm Elsa -- The Wrap Up Thread...

As expected, the track of Elsa really determined the type of storm you saw.

Widespread swath of 2-3" from Cape Ann & the Merrimack valley to the shoreline of Connecticut.

Isolated rain totals came in between 3-4".

Despite the fact Elsa was a fairly-quick mover, 4" in a relatively short time overwhelmed storm drains on *MANY* roadways.

Most of flooding was in Worcester, Middlesex, and Essex County... but there were spotty reports elsewhere.


Wind was the other half of the storm, mainly felt across the Cape and Islands.

It was a slow ramp up to the worst of the wind, but coastal locations definitely felt it.

BTW... Elsa officially made landfall at 12:15p at Watch Hill, RI.

This breaks a 15-year stretch of no tropical storm *directly* hitting New England. Last storm to do so was Beryl in 2006.

Worcester sits at 6.49" of rain for July. That's the wettest start to July on record for ORH -- by about 1.5"!

Boston sits at 7.59" of rain for July. That's the wettest start to July on record for BOS.

Boston already at the 6th wettest July rain total on-record... with 21 days to go.

That means July 2021 has *already* been rainier than 96% of Boston's Julys since 1872.

Definitely a lock for top 5... maybe top 2.

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