The Dirty Truth (Josh) Profile picture
I Watch the news and post important clips to keep followers updated. Things maybe spelled crazy but my hands don’t work and I use Siri to type.

Jul 10, 2021, 5 tweets

#KashPatel tells @JanJekielek The January 6 riot bond hearings sound like it has a over arching political tone behind the decisions.

Link for a full show:

#KashPatel tells @JanJekielek solitary confinement is supposed to be for the most dangerous And protective custody. So keeping an 18 and 70 year old with no criminal history in solitary confinement is a gross over reach when none of them are charged with a felony.

#Kash says The word “insurrection“ is a political lightning rod. Not 1 of the 500 people have been charged with the crime of insurrection.

#Kash says The whole point of the federal judiciary system is to let the defense see all the evidence. The whole point is in case there’s evidence that shows they didn’t commit the crime or it was maybe someone else.

#Kash tells @JanJekielek the DOJ/FBI has the best resources in the world so if they wanted to get the video footage to defense attorneys they can figure out a way. He has done cases with terabytes of info and they did it so he thinks it’s being held for political reasons.

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