TheBossRoss 🇪🇺 🧶 ❄ 📷 6x💉 Profile picture
🇩🇪🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 friendly, feisty & wordy. Work-from-home knitter. Kind, not stupid. In love with Scotland. At home in more than one place.

Jul 10, 2021, 7 tweets

One concerning aspect of the Euros as well as other large sports events are the audiences now permitted to attend, in close proximity, often shouting & singing, without facemasks. This week, almost all cartoonists in Germany picked up on that.

A cartoon 🧵


Paolo Calleri

"Early European Champion" #Delta


Kostas Koufogiorgos

"After Delta comes Epsilon..."
" England!"


Harm Bengen

"Delta with a clear victory in the semi-finals and now the favourite for the final."


Heiko Sakurai

"Euphoria on the island."


Klaus Stuttmann

[EURO Merchandising]
"A UEFA variant!"
"A brilliant PR idea!"



[red carpet] "Attendance"

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