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Jul 10, 2021, 15 tweets

Need to Increase Focus At Work?

9 Smart Psychology Ways to Become Super Focused

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It’s therefore quite important that you figure out

how to improve focus and concentration.

Enter the following pointers,

Each of which is designed to give that brain a boost
or at the very least prevent it.

9 Tips to Increase your Focus:

1. Train your brain
2. Meditate
3. Exercise
4. Organise Your Area
5. Prevent Distractions
6. Sleep Better
7. Improve Your Diet
8. Take a break
9. Create Goals

1. Train your brain

Training your brain doesn’t have to be a chore.

In fact, it can be a pleasure.

Crossword puzzles. Sudoku. Chess. Memory games. Jigsaw puzzles.

Not only are these activities fun and challenging,

but they also work your brain like a muscle.

2. Meditate

According to several studies, meditation results.

Find the mantra and technique that works for you and bring out your inner yogi.

Not only can this practice help you retain focus and concentration,

But it may even reduce stress levels,
And boost productivity.

3. Exercise

You should maintain a regular fitness regimen which can:

- Increase energy levels,
- Improve sleep,
- Reduce stress and more

Respectively or collectively,

These factors will have a positive effect on focus, concentration, and memory.

4. Organise Your Area

When your desktop or office space is cluttered,

so too is your brain.

Organize your area

And it’ll improve your ability to focus and concentrate.

5. Prevent Distractions

The best way to avoid distractions throughout the day

Is to make it harder for those distractions
to reach you in the first place.

We’re not just talking about physical space, either.

Put your phone on silent.
Block your access to social media.

6. Sleep Better

7-8 hours of sleep per night is also good for your brain.

If you’re struggling to fall asleep and stay asleep,

Consider reading a book or taking a bath before going to bed.

7. Improve Your Diet

A healthy diet cultivates a healthy body,

And a healthy body cultivates a healthy mind.

There are also potential “brain foods” you can eat

Such as fatty fish, leafy greens, berries, and walnuts, to name a few.

8. Take a break

When you first feel your concentration drop,

Take a short mental break.

Refresh yourself with a quick walk, or go outside and get some sun.

When you return to work,

Don’t be surprised if you feel more focused, motivated, or even creative!

9. Create Goals That Satisfy Your Highest Priorities

If you believe you know what your values and priorities are,

Spend time looking at the results you have achieved with your goals.

This is important when you’re learning how to improve focus.


Having arduous experiences on your journey is inevitable.

Using these exercises and strategies,

You can forecast when distractions and boredom are approaching,

And transform these into some of the most effective and productive chapters ever.

- Book recommendation: “Live Intentionally”

Live Intentionally is a 90 Day Self-Improvement project that will:
- Change your habits
- Daily routine
- And make you strong and disciplined

(It has a money-back guarantee and is completely risk-free.)


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