THE HELLYWOOD REPORTER 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸:5 Profile picture
25yr Veteran Hellywood TV Producer/Director - Now Proudly Excommunicado. My Pronouns are “WE The People” & “USA”. #MAGA

Jul 10, 2021, 13 tweets


4) ???

7) How Do Phone Telecom Companies Get Away With This? Easy! Pay Congress & Senators to sign off.

Mind You, some may have been compromised at the time this happened. Doesn't mean they are Deep State exactly.…

8) Have You Ever Seen Those Ugly Weird WINDOWLESS Buildings?? Remember... TOM HANKS Drew Attention to this one? Could it be an AT&T Spy Spy/Data Collection Building? #Spyscraper…

10) Here are the other AT&T "Alleged" #Spyscrapers. 8 Known. They don't seem to like windows much.

11) NSA & AT&T (SPYING) Relationship Timeline?

12) Article from 2015...…

13) Future Proves Past?? DELETE... DELETE... DELETE....…

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