Elisha ben Abuyah Profile picture
elishabenabuya@nerdculture.de Husband & Grandpa. Not a scholar. I was a religious Jew. Now I just enjoy the OT/Rabbinical texts as literature. No pointless DMs.

Jul 11, 2021, 5 tweets

This week begins the Book of Deuteronomy. It's a collection of narratives with views/legends that are distinct from the others, and are often are at odds with Gen-Num.

Deuteronomy also has several anachronisms that could only have been written much later.



The opening verses of Deut. provides us with a list of places that the other books didn't mention,, but where the Hebrews apparently traveled, but the point of view is from someone in the future living in Israel.



Ibn Ezra, one of the more honest classical Jewish commentators, notes that these anachronisms could not have been written by Moses, but won't cross the line into true heresy!



Here is one of the verses noted by Ibn Ezra. The iron bed (in the bronze age) resided in a place where Moses never went to, and the Israelites wouldn't enter until the time of King David.



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