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indie bookseller turned marketing | they | Queer/Lesbian | Mainer | Now Reading: An Absolutely Remarkable Thing

Jul 11, 2021, 15 tweets

Today is for relaxing, laundry, and reorganizing all my books

Would y'all like a progress thread of the book thing or-

Well since no one said no-

I'm gonna eat breakfast and then get started~

Every single book I own is getting dumped on my bed and getting sorted into
-Give away (friends)

This is what I'm working with- yes it's way less than other booksellers. I do this once or twice a year because my space is limited

The Keep and TBR are getting their own shelves, where they'll be sorted by genre

The tote is from when I did this last year, so all of it is likely to just GO

Soundtrack for the first sprint!…

Phase 1: complete


TBR is already being broken down into "I've had this forever but MAYBE I'll read it" and "shit I still owe a blurb on this one"



In order
-the give away/donate pile. The YA will likely be sorted out to go to teacher and foster care friends
-the keep and "I will finish this someday" piles
-favorites and queer classic

Y'all I have so many novellas I need to read

So. Many.

This is the Currently Reading/I Owe Blurbs/All My Friends Keep Talking about these pile

Keepers and graphic novels

(hp is the *only* thing I have left from my childhood so even though I have misgivings, I'm keeping them)

"Abby you really aren't keeping a lot of books, does that mean you don't like them?"

Nope! I tend to give away/lend books I love!

And I've mentioned before- leftover trauma from moving and temp homelessness has left me squicky about having too many things, thus my Purge

Here we have my "I will finish these someday" shelf, which is at the top of my stairs so I am forced to look at it multiple times a day

(Not finishing doesn't mean I don't like them! I just got depressed or busy and lost focus at some point)

And finally, the favorites (top shelf), and queer history/fiction shelf

And yes I have a Locked Tomb ... Shrine? And three copies of One Last Stop because friends are lovely and kept giving it to me

And that's it for the actual sorting! There's a few books missing that I've lent out recently, but that's largely it for now. I needed SPACE

Going to eat a quick lunch and then tackle the giveaway pile

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