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Jul 11, 2021, 9 tweets

Millions of millennials, freed from their desk jobs, are working remotely in places like Mexico — and leaving a path of destruction in their wake.

Here’s how.…

Nomads believe that unlike remote workers, they are an extended family, a way of not only experiencing the world but spreading a new model for living.…

Tulum, Mexico is the "hotspot for digital nomads," says @LonelyPlanet, thanks to TikTokers, YouTubers, and other influencers travelling for the sun, tequila, and ruins.…

At Selina, a chain of nomad hotels, prices go from $20 for a dorm bed to $700 for a luxury suite — offering something for baristas or billionaires alike.…

Many nomads believe that they help boost the local economy.

One of them, Ritesh Patel, founder of @TheTicketFairy, has five local workers and plans to hire more.…

However, as more and more foreigners settle in, towns like Tulum begin to face troubles such as:

⚡Shoddy electricity
🚮Poor sewer system
💧Water contamination
🐢Loss of natural habitats for wildlife…

Environmentalists warn that unlike tourists who come and go, nomads enjoy life in the tropics without paying taxes — putting a strain on the infrastructure.…

Are digital nomads helping or hindering local communities?

Read more about the impact of “digital nomads” on Insider.…

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