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Jul 11, 2021, 6 tweets

The UGC revised the undergraduate history syllabus under the Learning Outcome-based Curriculum Framework (LOCF) this week after receiving suggestions from stakeholders between Feb & March. The draft prepared by an expert committee of the commission has run into a controversy….

..over objections raised by some members of academia over its increased focus on Vedic literature, fewer topics on Mughal history, & an outdated reading list.
While some teachers said they are concerned over the reduced focus on Mughal history, the introduction of a paper….

..called Idea of Bharat, more focus on religious & Vedic literature, removal of papers on the role of women in ancient Indian society, and an outdated reading list, others welcomed the revised syllabi saying too much focus had been given to Mughal history over the years and an…

..introduction to “Indian society” was a good move as students must learn India’s diverse history.
Jitendra Meena, assistant professor of history at Shyam Lal College, said the exclusion of certain topics hinted at a political agenda.

“The Mughal history topics have been reduced & are being seen in comparison to regional powers like the Marathas instead of being studied on their own. Similarly, branding the 1857 revolt as the First War of Independence seems like an endorsement of the Savarkar school of….

..thought whereas many subaltern studies have termed the 1855 Santhal rebellion as the first war of independence. The paper on Inequality and Differences has also been removed which had helped students understand caste, language, and other identity-based issues.”

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