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Jul 12, 2021, 9 tweets

How Mancini solved his midfield numbers problem to dominate England 1/

Italy struggled to get a strangle hold on the match last night. In the build up Kane sat on Jorginho. The dms looked after Veratti and Barella, the wing backs stopped any threat from the full backs and England’s back 3 could concentrate on stopping Italy’s front 3

Italy couldn’t get the ball through midfield. Towards the end of the 1st half Veratti began dropping deeper than Jorginho in the build up. He knew Phillips would go with him and Kane probably wouldn’t drop with Jorginho. That began to create a numerical advantage in midfield

Italy got a foothold in the match. Mancini brought Berardi on for Immobile in the 2nd half. Switching Insigne from the left to a central role accentuated the numbers advantage Italy had began to create in midfield. He often dropped off the front line into midfield 4/

We can see all of this in action shortly after the substitution. Veratti drops deep and takes Phillips with him, freeing Jorginho up to push on, knowing Kane won’t drop with him. Italy get the ball into Jorginho who can now use Insigne as an option to progress possession 5/

We can see at the bottom of the screen Chiesa, Italy’s best attacker, has switched to the left wing, the same side as their most attacking full back Emerson 6/

The story of the remaining minutes, until Chiesa’s injury, was Italy domination facilitated by the ability to progress the ball through midfield and create overloads on the left flank. If we run this move on Chiesa, with Emerson’s support, finds Insigne and Pickford saves 7/

Hats off to Mancini. He made his change and created domination. Italy were unlucky not to win the match in that period 8//

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