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Web Developer | Technical Writer @lambdatesting | Sharing โ€ข Web Dev Tips โ€ข resources โ€ข AI โ€ข No-code tools โ€ข | DM for Collaboration

Jul 12, 2021, 7 tweets

Projects to brush up on your Html skills
(only HTML)


1. HTML personal website

create your portfolio website and use as many tags as possible for your portfolio like <table> tag , <img> tag,<hr> tag etc.

demo projects snapshot


2. Documentation page

create your own documentation page for your notes and report with your own functionality and practice all links, heading, and paragraph tags.

demo project snapshot


3. Survey form

create your own survey form for school, college, and your research, and practice your all form tag.

demo project snapshot


4. Timetable

create a timetable for your school and for yourself and practice all the table tags with the project.

demo project snapshot


05. Tribute page

create a tribute page for your favorite personality and use different tags to make this page

demo project snapshot


06. These are some demo projects you can create only HTML to practice Html tags you can add more projects in it. If you think this thread helps you to learn something retweet this thread with your project's ideas.

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