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#HinduGenocide - the biggest ONGOING genocide in the history of humanity. IG: https://t.co/UoUsx1a7YH

Jul 12, 2021, 7 tweets

Releasing our exhaustive Timeline of Hindu Persecution - updated for the post-Islamic period (roughly).

The atrocities never stopped. Take a look at the long drawn history of persecution of Hindus in the last ~500 yrs.


Every figure & fact has been referenced & verified.
This shows how long Hindus have suffered, but still don't realize it, don't accept it.

Hundreds of man hours have gone into this work. Please donate to expand it further: rzp.io/l/HinduGenocide

Portuguese Inquisition of Goa: Hindus were tortured in the most inhuman ways, their temples destroyed.

Portuguese BURNT RECORDS after the inquisition to ensure their crimes are never unearthed. Atleast 16K Hindus are still documented as enslaved.


Dutch Slave Trade from the Indian Subcontinent

Apart from spices and silk, the Dutch took slaves from India to Cape Town. Atleast 6K Hindus were found to be enslaved & working as cheap labour by the end of 18th cent.


Forced Famines of the British Raj: Atleast 85 MILLION Indians, majority Hindus, were starved to death in famines which occurred almost every 4-5 yrs! Remaining millions lived on sparse resources while the "Lords" splurged.

See details: hindugenocide.com/timeline

The British Raj also had a HUGE slave trade, with millions of Hindus sent as slaves to their colonies. Even after abolition of slavery in Britain, slavery continued in India.

In 1830, atleast 1.1 MILLION Indians, majority Hindus, were slaves.

Details: hindugenocide.com/timeline

1857 unleashed horrendous atrocities upon natives.
Rebels were hanged from trees, blown in canons, forced to lick blood stained walls, women raped. These were acts of "civilized" colonizers against "uncouth" natives.
Atleast 1 MILLION natives were KIA.


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