In light of Tucker Carlson & Trump quoting him, I think people should know that Darryl Cooper (@martyrmade) is a fascist. I've been a fan of his brilliant podcasts for years but, though nuanced, this aspect of his politics is undeniable. Some of these posts have been deleted
Also worth mentioning his short-lived podcast called "Decline of the West"… in which he espouses the virtues of arch-conservative philosopher Oswald Spengler and, on one episode, enthusiastically agrees with many points made by a white nationalist.
I've been following him for years. He's been probably the most complicated figure I've looked up to in recent memory
he usually pulls the "I'm just trolling" line when he's called out for it but I'm not sure why else anyone would spend so much time defending fascisms honor & credibility if they didn't harbor those same ideals
in this context, his seemingly innocuous neo reactionary pearl-clutching goes a lot deeper. I don't know if any of this matters since it's just posting but I think people should see this and decide for themselves.
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