Bongekile Macupe Profile picture
deputy politics editor @News24

Jul 13, 2021, 18 tweets

Another shopping complex is being looted in Protea Glen, it's 2 minutes away from the Protea Glen Mall. The looting, this time, is happening in full view of the police.

The people have ransacked the Boxer supermarket, Fair Price and they are now inside the Boxer liquor store. People are passing with trollies full of groceries right next to the police & no action is been taken.

Cops are just strolling around with their AK-47 & are even chatting with some of the people looting. This is shocking.

The looters are now pelting the cops with rocks. Cops are shooting live ammunition to the crowd.

"Asilandeni labantu," the crowd shouts to the police

People are now breaking into other business including a cellphone & furniture shops. They did this in front of the cops.

The cops have left. People are now looting freely. Cops are gone. They were here for 10 minutes, witnessed the looting, were pelted with stones, fired a few shots and got into their cars and left. The police station is literally a minute away from this complex

Yooooh! Hayi.
People are walking away with generators, gas heaters, tyres and car batteries. They've broken inside the Builders now.

This old man is dragging this generator out of the complex.

A group of guys just arrived and stood in front of 3 shops and told the looters not to break inside of them.
"Lezi ezase kasi bafethu iyani lapha e Builders ivuliwe". The shops are a paint shop, pharmacy & Internet cafe.

The crowds are now targeting Boxer's warehouse. People are looting in bulk.
"Ama pampers alahlile" says one guy.

Families are here.

"Hambo landa ama noodles mina ngigadile la," says a sister to her younger sibling.


If you've ever been to a supermarket that sells things in bulk, that's how things are like here. People are looting in bulk. A quantum taxi is packing boxes of fish oil, washing powder, crates of cold drink.

A friend just sent me these. She stays in Dobsonville and drove to Horizon to buy bread. There was no bread at a Chileckers & Woolies. Westgate Mall is closed.

Bakkies & trucks are loading building material . People are helping themselves to tiles, cement, paint, roller doors . Konke nje from the Builders

Traffic is at a standstill on this road. On any ordinary day this is a quite road but not today.

Overheard one guys driving out of the centre:

"Bafethu asiyeni e Trade Route Mall. iGame isasenjalo" this is a mall in Lenasia


Jojo tanks, amaplanga namaziki ziyemka.

A @MYANC office at the Sizwe shopping centre in Protea Glen has been ransacked.

This is one of the first shops that was looted in Protea Glen yesterday

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