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Jul 13, 2021, 6 tweets

Modi Ji was taking questions from Rajat Sharma on stage in front of a large audience and they had a great time as the Hon’ble Prime Minister was in a great whacky mood and his answers got him plenty of laughs, thunderous applause and claps…he was at his wittiest best 👍🏾😊🙏🏾

The Balakot episode is hilarious as narrated by Modi Ji. He had the crowd roaring….you can clearly see the kind of love and respect he commands.

Listen to what Modi Ji has to say on Gandhi’s tweet 😅

When Modi Ji rang up Nawaz Sharief and asked, "Kaise Ho Miya Ji??" 😂😂

Modi Ji bolte hain toh taaliyaan hi bajti hain aur woh bhi jordaar😅

On Gandhi’s allegations that Modi Ji gave away 45,000 crore acres to Anil Ambani 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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