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Jul 13, 2021, 5 tweets

Crowds clashed with police and ransacked or burned shopping malls in South Africa, with dozens reported killed as grievances unleashed by the jailing of former president Jacob Zuma boiled over into the worst violence in years 1/5

Protests that followed Zuma's arrest last week have widened into looting and an outpouring of generalized anger over inequality that persists 27 years after the fall of apartheid 2/5

'No amount of unhappiness or personal circumstances from our people gives the right to anyone to loot, vandalize and do as they please and break the law,' Police Minister Bheki Cele told a news conference, echoing sentiments expressed by President Cyril Ramaphosa overnight 3/5

Zuma was sentenced for defying a constitutional court order to give evidence at an inquiry investigating high-level corruption during his nine years in office. The legal proceedings were seen as a test of post-apartheid South Africa's ability to enforce the rule of law 4/5

The violence worsened as Zuma challenged his 15-month jail term in South Africa's top court on Monday. Judgement was reserved until an unspecified date. More from the ground 👉 5/5

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