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Jul 13, 2021, 8 tweets

🚨 MPs are now debating *mandatory vaccines* for ALL people working in adult care homes after a cynical snap vote was called yesterday.

More to follow 👇

'It states in the explanatory note that a full impact assessment has been prepared (…) where is it?' @William_Wragg

'The impact assessment is being worked on' @Helen_Whately

How can MPs vote on these draconian measures without sufficient evidence?

'There are serious warnings from the care sector that the Government's plan could lead to staff shortages in already under-staffed care homes,'

@DrRosena explains why Labour won’t be supporting mandatory vaccines in adult care homes.

‘Mandatory vaccines tend to increase distrust and suspicion'

@Dr_PhilippaW draws on the findings of The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Vaccinations for All's findings that vaccine coercion leads to distrust.

'We risk going down a slippery slope to chip away at people's rights & freedoms to make their own health choices, this decision sets a precedent and must not be taken lightly,'

👏@munirawilson expands on why mandatory vaccines are a blunt tool for a complex issue.

🚨Breaking 🚨

MPs vote in favour of mandatory vaccines for all people working in adult care homes

Ayes:319 Noes:246

Impassioned opposition to this *erosion of rights* by the govt | @William_Wragg

"90 minutes on a statutory instrument to fundamentally change the balance of human rights in this country is nothing short of a disgrace."

✔️ We will continue standing up against mandatory covid vaccinations in all settings.

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