Justin Kan Profile picture
From the bottom to the top & back again. Co-founded @twitch, now working on making videos, https://t.co/J6efUJZmLI https://t.co/TLYT8YIKok @rye

Jul 14, 2021, 5 tweets

New pod drop with @Conaw on:

Evangelical churches, networked thoughts and why @RoamResearch is about writing a Bible together.

[A thread]


An anthropology major, Conor spent nine months immersing himself and studying Evangelical Christian communities.

A fateful motorcycle crash led him to sleep on a stranger's couch. When debating about God, Conor realized that Christianity is about fellowships.


Roam became an extension of his philosophy: seeking truth, through collective intel. Its first step is to help people take notes differently.

Each note uploads a mental network to the cloud. Think of the multiplayer mode of Roam as writing a collective Bible.


I found the way Conor sees the world fascinating. He talks about the paradox of choice, why Mark Zuckerberg only wears one type of shirt.

Jesus as a distributed system, and downloading the Christ as an OS.

He asked me 'what's the purpose behind all you do'?

I believe I am on a similar mission with @thequest_pod, @KinHabits and my YouTubes: curating a very intentional community.

We talk about how our frameworks of fellowships differ in the full episode:

Check it out and send feedback! I read every comment.

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