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Jul 14, 2021, 9 tweets

Github command that you should definitely know


01. Git config

this command is used to set up a name or email that is associated with your GitHub account and link-local machine to Github.

syntax :
git config –-global user.name β€œ[name]”
git config -–global user.email β€œ[email address]”


02. Git Init & GIt add

cd // used to change directory

git init [repository name] // used to initalisize your repository

git add [file] // used to add your repo into a staging area

git add . // used to add all files

03. Git commit

git commit -m β€œ[ Type in the commit message]”

// used to add commit your changes into a staging area like file addition, deletion, etc.

04. Git log & Git status

git log //used to check the history of the current branch

git status // used to see the list of files that have to be committed

05. Git branch

git branch // used to list all branches

git branch [branch name] // used to create branch

git branch -d [branch name] // used to delete branch

git checkout [branch name] // used to switch from one branch to other

git merge [branch ] // merge branches

06. Git remote

git remote add [variable name ] [Remote Server Link]

// used to connect local repository to a remote server

07. Git push & Git pull

git push [variable name] master

// used to send the local commit to the remote repository

git pull [Repository Link]

// used to fetch servers commit to local commit.

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