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Bret Lynn: "So we'll give the FBI a shot" "So I sat down and put all the...into a document and I'm like 'here you go FBI'"

Jul 14, 2021, 11 tweets

1. Before Identity Dixie was founded in January 2017 they were called TRS - Confederates, as the southern offshoot of the racist TRS podcast. Within that group the main organizers founded "The Knights of the Golden Circle" or KGC as their inner circle.

2. The name, in relation to Identity Dixie, came from a July 2016 interview between ID founder and Rebel Yell host Musonious Rufus and League of the South racist Michael Cushman.

3. Their discussion was about the Knights of the Golden Circle. It was an 1850s - 1860s pseudo-Masonic secret society that had the goal of creating a larger plantation based slave state in the area surrounding the Caribbean.

4. The area would include the slave states in the southern United states, an annexed Mexico, the whole of Central America, and all the islands of the Caribbean.

5. It was to be headquartered in Cuba, which was the central point in the circle. The impetus for creating it appears to be twofold: fear of the growing abolitionist movement and dislike for the Caribbean islands that broke away from slavery in the prior 100 years.

6. While Identity Dixie are a bunch of LARPers, don't dismiss their actual desires just because they're incompetent LARPers.

Michael Cushman later joined Identity Dixie and was a founding KGC leader. He wants slavery.

7. Michael Cushman believes those with African blood can only be productive under slavery.

8. Cushman openly pushed this regularly in Identity Dixie's secret chats. Not once did there appear to be any push back from members.

9. Another Identity Dixie KGC leader Lucas Gordon aka Silas Reynolds openly promoted slavery returning as well. It's who these people are. They chose the name Knights of the Golden Circle for a reason: it's their dream.

10. White guys have been thirsty for Cuba for 500 years and it's not feeedom, but exploitation, that they desire.

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