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Hello from court. Covering the intersection of law and politics at Bloomberg News. ztillman2 at bloomberg dot net

Jul 15, 2021, 6 tweets

The latest batch of videos released in the Jan. 6 cases are from the case of Michael Foy, who is charged with assaulting police with a hockey stick (a warning that these are violent). The videos are chaotic, here are some still from docs that the govt says show where he is

The first video is very short, in the middle of the screen there's a man swinging down with a hockey stick, that's who the govt says is Foy

Second video begins with people chanting "I can't breathe." At around the 58-second mark the confrontation escalates and the man ID'd as Foy begins swinging the hockey stick. People in the background cheer and chant "USA!"

In video #3, someone is smashing in a window to the Capitol as people in the crowd sing the Star Spangled Banner

Video #4 is from a police officer's body worn camera, providing an up close perspective on the violence and chaos at the front as police tried to stop the mob from advancing. At around the 53-second mark you can see the top of a hockey stick as rioters beat the officer

Final video is another view of the attack on police. Note that the crowd begins to cheer and get loud as the violence picks up, there's a person pumping their fist in front of the camera at around 14 seconds, someone yells "there you go!"; others chant "pull them out!"

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