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Policy Consultant | Visiting Researcher @MRC_Epid 👩🏼‍🎓| Co-founder @5050Parliament #AskHerToStand🗳| QPR ⚽️ | Ambassador @Tempus_Novo & @SaluteHerUK | 🏳️‍🌈

Jul 15, 2021, 9 tweets

So much more than a plan. It’s a vision.

Now is the time to act.


The @food_strategy focuses on 2️⃣ most urgent problems embedded in the food system:

1. The “Junk Food Cycle” 🍔🍫🔄 🍕🍟

2. The “Invisibility of Nature” 🐝🌳👩‍🌾

The aim?

🌍 Healthy planet
🫂 Healthy people

🆘This is critically urgent given the Covid pandemic & climate crisis.

Tragically our diet in Britain is killing us and making us sick.

It’s the diet we’re raising our children on.

Four out of the top five risk factors for years of healthy life lost to avoidable illness, disability & death are diet related (the four largest pink bubbles)👇🏽

🇬🇧On Britain’s diet being so bad for health:

“It’s extraordinary, really, that there isn’t public uproar about this.”

“The trouble is, this disaster has crept up on us so slowly that we have forgotten to be shocked by it.”

📈Example: the rise of crisps & sweetened cereals👇🏽

🤷🏼‍♀️How did we end up with a food system that can feed the world, but makes us and our planet so sick?

The answer in 3️⃣ lines and a pie chart👇🏽

Tucked away on pages 49, 50 & 146 are 2️⃣ critical points:

🗣People want help. People want it to be easy, affordable, convenient & enjoyable to be healthy✅

🗣Food industry wants Government intervention & welcomes legislation to reduce unhealthy food & increase healthy options👍🏽

📚The 14 @food_strategy recommendations aim to meet 4️⃣ key objectives:

🍔🏩Escape the Junk Food Cycle & protect our @NHSuk

⚖️📉 Reduce diet-related inequality. Our diets shouldn’t make us sick.

🌳👩‍🌾Make the best use of our land

✅🍎Create a long-term shift in our food culture

Our future food system MUST meet these goals:

✅Make us well, not sick

🌍Be resilient to withstand global shocks

🌳Help restore nature & halt climate change so we hand on a healthier planet to our kids

🔝Meet standards public expect, on health, environment, and animal welfare

📚Read the full @food_strategy Part 2: The Plan here👇🏽


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