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Don't fight for justice,just fight Against injustice and inhumanity of Genocidal Junta in Myanmar✊

Jul 15, 2021, 10 tweets

🧵(1/8)On #MyanmarCovidSOS,
Junta Terrorists threatened Charity Organizations to work under their orders or else their ambulances would be destroyed again,looted Oxygen Tanks of Volunteers while lot of people are dying everyday from oxygen shortage. Junta controlling everything.

While lot of people were queuing the whole night for Oxygen Refill for their beloved family members suffering from COVID-19 through rain or sun,Terrorists gun fired recklessly&tried to Abduct these helpless ones. Even oxygen tanks were left while running from these murders.(2/8)

Though death rates becoming rocking Everyday,Junta is still blocking&monopolizing on private oxygen sales,interfering private treatments of Civilians instead of providing.Most oxygen was taken by military for their troops reportedly. No Oxygen come free for unarmed civilians(3/8)

Moreover,People couldn't come out to help each other at night due to meaningless curfew of Junta.Patients can't go to hospital or Get enough treatments in time coz of their useless administration.People dying on roads&on streets everyday.Junta didn't take any responsibility(4/8)

As Junta can't control Covid-19 third wave anymore,Junta shamelessly invited volunteers to work back despite the fact that they abducted lot of Volunteers after brutally beating.Not enough health workers now,as most are on warrant lists& hiding,in jail&some even being killed(5/8)

Hundreds of bodies being queued for funerals in Myanmar every day point to the real COVID death roll being much higher than the junta-controlled health ministry's figures show. Even Burials need to be queued in Myanmar now. Both days and nights are full of death cases.(6/8)

Amid people had to search for oxygen supplies for private treatments of COVID-19 patients at home,arbitrarily warnings of Junta on pharmacies forcing medicine prices to surge.Some drugs are out of stock now.All prices of food,aids including eggs, Surgical masks had surged(7/8)

While civilians are fighting off a destructive covid wave, massacred killings like a slaughter ground and Abductings are still happening in Myanmar. There's just death everywhere. Junta's killing us both with guns and with uncontrollable Covid. We, unarmed can't defend now.(8/8)

Due to Dictatorship,People in Myanmar dying everyday from Bullets of Genocidal Military Coup,Uncontrollable Covid and Malnutrition both in IDPs&Several Places.Many lives can't be saved if there is enough humanitarian aid. We want Int'l to Connect with @NUGMyanmar to help us.

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