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Jul 15, 2021, 22 tweets

Candace Owens promotes “the new Freedom Phone” as “a SOLUTION against Apple and Google,” but forgets she’s still posting from **checks notes** “Twitter for iPhone.”

The “Freedom Phone” ad shamelessly uses a clip of MLK delivering his “I Have a Dream” speech during the March on Washington against the filibuster.

The Freedom Phone will run “Freedom OS” and boasts a completely uncensored App Store.

This means they won’t do anything about child trafficking apps or blatantly racist Neo-Nazi type apps.

Anyway, it’s been 24 hours and Candace Owens still can’t put down her iPhone and get that new “Freedom Phone” set up.

Candace held it up. It’s in her hands. She says it’s a product that “will save the nation,” but just can’t quite cut over to it just yet.

Freedom Phone pays up to $50 for every referral.

H/T @z3dster

Candace Owens hasn’t tweeted in over 6 hours.

Have you tried turning off the Freedom Phone and turning it back on again?

Candace Owens is sharing ordering testimonials for the $500 phone on Instagram. Her name gets you 10% off.

These folks are going to be so mad when they start using these phones.

Candace shares one of her fans buying the “Freedom Phone” calling it “switching to Android.”

So much for it being against Google?

Candace posts a message saying the #FreedomPhone is a “f*ck you” to “big tech companies.”

These people are going to be so mad.

In the longer video, Candace Owens says the company decided to “re-jig the Android” to make a Freedom Phone, but assures it’s not controlled by Google.

Candace says they made the switch immediately, but, alas, those “Twitter for iPhone” tweets prove that is a lie.

Candace Owens promotes InfoWars access on the Freedom Phone’s “PatriApp Store” and claims Apple and Google got rid of Parler because of controlling Trump. Another lie. Parler got dumped because Parler refused to regulate violence, hate, and people plotting the Capitol attack.

😂🤣😂 Candace Owens playing to the anti-5G QAnon crowd when selling her Freedom Phones.

Candace claimed “you can get any app in the world” on the Freedom Phone. No, there are apps exclusive the certain platforms.

Candace also claims you just pop your SIM card in for it to work. No, not for all phone carriers.

Q: How much storage?

Candace: Great question! I have no idea.

#FreedomPhone 🤣😂🤣

Candace Owens says she didn’t want to be caught railing against Apple while still using Apple products.

Too late. Candace is still posting from “Twitter for iPhone” after claiming to have ditched Apple.

Candace Owens is literally holding the Freedom phone in her hand and says she already ditched Apple. She was getting notifications in the video.

Candace Owens holding the Freedom Phone in the actual video she posted to her actual account.

A breakdown of how #FreedomPhone is basically just freeing money from your bank account.

Candace Owens: “Bye bye Big Tech!!

Tweet: “Twitter for iPhone.”

Candace is back to posting more photos of her fan base paying $500 for a $125 phone.

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