Random Thoughts From A GenX Gal Profile picture
Melissa Fine: Writer, Editor, GenX Gal 😎 My thoughts and opinions are, for better or worse, all mine...

Jul 15, 2021, 34 tweets


"I Have A Question..."

Any time Globalists start pushing something no one says they want, I see red flags.

Like a sociopath, Globalists never invest energy into something without the expectation of some personal reward in return.

And they are a patient bunch. They are willing to baby-step you into compliance, if that's what it takes to get their way.

They love to "normalize" things.

And by "normalize," I mean "groom the masses."

LINK: dailycaller.com/2021/07/12/uni…

Which is why, when LoJack was first introduced, I got nervous.

Of course back then, I was accused of wrapping myself in tin foil at night.

But the progression from LoJack to OnStar to Pet Chips to Dumb Motherfuckers Chipping Themselves didn't take long, now did it?

And from there, it isn't even a hop to things like Vaccine Passports and Chinese Social Credit systems.

It's more like an inevitable stumble...

LINK: thepointsguy.com/guide/state-va…

Want another example?

Here's a video I did a year ago.

Follow the progression, and let's connect a few dots...

So why do I bring this up now?

Even as a Californian who supports with enthusiasm the legalization of marijuana, I have been watching the global push to legalize drugs and trying to figure out their agenda.

It's not enough to say, "a drugged-up populace is more compliant."

It's true. But it's not enough, because the fact is, you are not going to turn someone who is against drugs into a junkie simply by legalizing it... and any junkie could care less about the laws.

And if you've ever spent some time with tweakers, you know they are hardly more easily controlled.

So, what's their angle?

Why would @gavinnewsom decriminalize drugs and give safe harbor to the cartels in California...

LINK: conrev.rebelmouse.com/horowitz-decri…

So Dems can offer to pay the tweakers he may as well have supplied to not use the meth he'll watch go un-prosecuted?

LINK: channel411news.com/2021/07/06/cal…

Because—NEWSFLASH—here's what every tweaker already knows:

The test will probably be once a month, in order to get paid.

They will use urine tests, because anything else is too expensive.

Meth stays in your urine for 72 hours, tops.

The *really careful* tweakers will put the pipe down for a few days, eat a few sandwiches, drink a LOT of water, and will show up to give a clean sample. They will then take their payment DIRECTLY to their dealer and TWEAK BALLLLLZZZZ FOR WEEKS.

They also know those classes are nearly always ran by really bored, really bitter failed Social Sciences majors.

They are either the Stuart Smalley's of the counselor crew, or they want to know if they can score a dimebag from you.

And they don't get paid enough to give af...

And, hey! If I'm totally wrong and they get caught?

It's not like they'll be prosecuted...

And here's another question:

Why did weed get wrapped into COVID?

LINK: newsweek.com/cannabis-appea…

Why was Nancy fighting for growers?

LINK: usatoday.com/story/news/pol…

And why is @gavinnewsom telling us we need to cut down on our shower times, but saying nothing about the drug cartels, who are stealing millions of gallons of water from drought-stricken farmers to irrigate their illegal pot grows?


It's almost as if there's a never-ending flow of federal money to the drug cartels, straight down to the street junkies, who all then get more money from the government...


The drug trade benefits China, the Mexican drug lords and the Taliban, but what could that have to do with this administration?

That's the real question, right?

Because it's not like the US Government would ever run drugs on American soil to fund illegal shit in foreign lands, right?

LINK: wsj.com/articles/SB920…


Well...it's not like any of those guys are still involved in things today...




Well... that was Arkansas...


And when you add shit like this 👇👇👇

And you *instantly* know that anything written in language like that—sustainable coke, ffs?!—could only come from or be a virtue signal to the United Nations...

LINK: un.org/sustainabledev…

And then I read shit like this 👇👇👇

The only REAL question I have to ask is...


Because history has taught me...

That's *exactly* how these pricks roll.


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