The Rev. Dr. Auntie Michelle Profile picture
She/Her Challenger of Patriarchy, Protector of Black Mamas, Abortion Champion CashApp/Venmo $UbuntuCollective

Jul 16, 2021, 8 tweets

So I triggered folks yesterday with 2 tweets & as fragile white folks will they demanded to speak to the manager on my job. There’s 2 problems. 1: The manager don’t care what you think about what I say on Twitter cuz 2: I am the manager.

But for the record I said what I said.

So not only will I stand by my statements, I’ll explain Karen. The OBVIOUS point of the tweet was that it is absurd to apply causality to healthcare disparities to “race” because race is an artificial social grouping created by Europeans to justify slavery & colonization.

Not only is there no biological basis for race; in fact historically “whiteness” didn’t exist before the 17th century when European Christians had to morally reconcile the slaughter and subjugation of indigenous peoples and enslavement of Africans to build their “empires”.

The smartest geneticists on the planet including the members of the human genome project have long conceded that there is no genetic basis for race & in fact there is more diversity within ethnic groups than there is across said racial lines. Because biological race isn’t a thing

You heard me correctly. I could have more in common genetically with a pale skinned British female or a South Asian female than a woman who happens to be native born to Africa. Why? Because Black is a mood, Black is a vibe, Black is a culture; but what Black isn’t is a “race”.

Nor is whiteness a race or an ancestral group. Whiteness was a false social category to define me and anyone with greater melanin production as lesser without any scientific fact. Y’all ancestors just woke up one day & proclaimed themselves pasty perfection. How absolutely basic.

And if you want to choose an ideal human for the purpose of “science”, then shouldn’t the default be an Indian or Chinese tribesman since they are the two largest ethnic groups on the planet follows by Africans? Since “whiteness” is the actual minority aren’t you the outliers?

So yes, the next time you decide to make a racist statement about a group of BIPOC people that has no factual medical biological basis with no data to back it up, remember the time a Black nurse used actual data to make a dumb statement about whiteness & you lost your damn minds.

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