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Jul 16, 2021, 11 tweets

Once-In-a-Lifetime Image: Photographer Explains How He Captured #VolcanoEruption Under the #NorthernLights…

(📸: Chris Mathews)

Photographer Chris Mathews shot a once-in-a-lifetime image earlier this year. Mathews was able to capture the aurora borealis in all its colourful glory over the erupting Geldingadalur volcano in #Iceland.

"The volcano is located on the Reykjanes Peninsula in southwest Iceland, close to the international airport and not far from where I live," Mathews said.


The earthquake occurred not far from Grindavík, a small town on the south coast of the Reykjanes peninsula, and in the three weeks following, according to the BBC, the country recorded more than 40,000 earthquakes— hundreds occurring every day.


Mathews knew an eruption was on its way. He began scouting out locations where he'd be able to photograph the eruption, but he was still unsure where or when it might happen.

Then, on March 19, almost a month later, he got the call. An eruption was underway.

"I went to several of the sites I’d visited, but the weather was bad and from most, there was no chance of seeing much of anything," Mathews explained.


Mathews tried photographing the volcano from the air twice: once by helicopter, and once on a propeller-driven aircraft. He found that the helicopter flight wasn’t productive because there was too little space to position the camera for a good shot.


All of his aerial photos seen above were taken from a Cessna flown by Eagle Air, a local airline based from the domestic airport in Reykjavík. Mathews said it was much roomier and he had an easier time photographing the volcano using a Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L zoom.

The photographer said that he made it a goal to photograph the eruption and the aurora borealis together. The first few nights of the eruption were overcast, but he spent time scouting locations that would offer a good view when the clouds parted.


Mathews calls Iceland "a photographer's paradise," with volcanoes, glaciers, waterfalls, geysers, hot springs and wildlife galore. And of course, from autumn until spring is aurora season.

"The hope [is] that people who see my photos will enjoy them and feel some of the sense of wonder that I felt taking them. It’s been my great fortune to witness spectacular beauty – and my privilege to share it."


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