Denis Kazakiewicz Profile picture
Journalist with @charter_97. Belarus is the main topic in this feed. Also tweeting about Ukraine. Tweets are my own. den2042(at)yahoo(.)com

Jul 16, 2021, 15 tweets

#Belarus. 10 students, one alumni, one tutor were sentenced to prison terms (most to 2.5 years each) for ostensible "organized crime" and "organizing mass riots".
Most of them are in jails since Autumn 2020.

source RFERL

Student of Belarus Academy of Arts Maria Kalenik got 2.5 years in prison.

In her last word she talked about her love to Belarus and the future of the country.

Phylosophy student Ksenia Syramalot got 2.5 years in prison.
Ksenia told, "If you, the High Court, and the entire Republic of Belarus which you represent consider that it is criminal to follow the Constitution, it is criminal to be a human being, then I will accept any verdict."

Pedagogical University student Kasia Budzko got 2.5 years in prison.
Kasia undersored that she loved Belarus despite spending 8 month in jail before the trial. She thanked family and friends. She told she was sure that solidarity of Belorussians would come to effect.

Biology student Yahor Kanetski got 2.5 years in prison.

Linguistics student Gleb Fitsner was the only one who pleaded guilty in preposterous "organized crime" and "organizing mass riot" charges.

Lukashenka regime thanked Gleb for his cooperation with 2 years in prison.

Former high-achieving Mathematics student - he was expelled from Belarus State University for his activism - Ilya Trachtenberg has got 2.5 years in prison.
"I will remain a free person, because I am capable of thinking and making decisions independently", told Ilya.

Architecture student Victoria Granouskaya got 2.5 years in prison.
"I was afraid and worried about my own and other people's lives. My grandmother has taught that domestic violence cannot be tolerated…Belarusians are one big family. I did not and I will not tolerate violence"

Technical Univ student Anastasiya Bulybenko has got 2.5 years in prison.
"I know I did everything right. I feel pain, but have no fear anymore. I came out not against the authorities, but against violence. We are the future generation of tolerance and freedom. We are the future"

When Anastasiya Bulybenko was arrested in November 2020, Lukashenka thugs have marked her with red paint.

Pedagogical University student Yana Arabeika has got 2.5 years in prison.
"Time behind bars has not convinced that fear is better than trust. My last word will be 'Freedom'."

Tutor at University of Informatics and Radio Electronics Volha Filatchankava got 2.5 years in prison.

In her last word Volha told that she was sorry that because of Lukashenka and his minions, many Belarusians were forced to leave the country. That would change soon, she hoped.

Dentistry alumni Alana Gebremariam has got 2.5 years in prison.
"I am proud to be a Belarusian", Alana told in her last word.

Mathematics student Tatsiana Yakelchik has got 2.5 years in prison.
In her last word she told that the future belonged to students.

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