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Jul 16, 2021, 6 tweets

A Reuters photographer since 2010, Danish Siddiqui covered the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Rohingya refugees crisis, the Hong Kong protests and Nepal earthquakes. Here is a selection of some of the Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer's best work

Covering the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic as it tore through Indian cities, towns and villages

More than 600,000 Rohingya fled to Muslim Bangladesh in 2017, trekking over mountains and through forests and rice fields inundated by monsoon rain. Danish was on the ground documenting the plight of the refugees

Poverty, fear and a lack of facilities added to COVID-19 fatalities in remote villages, where many shun tests for fear of testing positive and being forced to go to hospital far from home

The story of a U.S. multinational company accidentally leaking cyanide gas into the air, killing thousands of largely poor Indians in the central city of Bhopal, as thousands of tonnes of hazardous waste remains buried underground

Take a look at some of Danish Siddiqui's best work from the past decade:

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