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Jul 16, 2021, 10 tweets

On a day like today, back in 1769, Fray Junipero Serra founded the first Spanish mission in the current US territory: San Diego de Alcalá, which would give rise to the city of San Diego. But this is not the only mission founded by Serra.


The second mission founded by him was San Carlos Borromeo, in 1770. Nowadays, this church is highly valued for being the only one in California that preserves the original bells and belfry. It is also the burial place of the Saint.

Following the foundational activity of Fray Junipero Serra, we come to San Antonio de Padua, established in 1771 and to which we already have dedicated a thread:


The next mission established by the Franciscan friar was named San Gabriel Arcangel. It has a curious bell tower with six bells of different sizes. However, this one is not original, since it was built to replace the previous one, damaged by an earthquake in 1812.

In 1772, Fray Junipero Serra founded another mission: San Luis Obispo de Tolosa. The church of this mission, unlike others in California, continues to offer its religious services to the Catholics of the area.


Later, in 1776, Serra instituted the mission of San Juan Capistrano. Although it has been badly damaged over time, the church has been restored and is today a wonderful tourist attraction, most notably for its landscaped courtyards.


Of all missions, San Francisco de Asis is perhaps the one that has had the biggest relevance, as it gives its name to one of the best known cities in the United States. Nowadays, the original mission church has been dwarfed by its neighbor, the mission of Dolores basilica.

Santa Clara de Asís, another mission founded by Serra, was also a mission before it became a city. It was also the embryo of the oldest higher education center in California: @SantaClaraUniv.

The last mission established by Serra was San Buenaventura, which also ended up being a city. It was already in 1782, two years before the death of the Saint.

As we have seen, the legacy of Fray Junipero Serra was vital for the development of California, giving rise to some of its most populated cities, such as San Diego.
See also this article about the founding of that city:


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