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if you can’t get there by being yourself, it’s not worth going

Jul 16, 2021, 9 tweets

The Symbol for Satoshis

Got this great little design prompt from @PatrickWStanley via DM yesterday.

After a bit of googling, there have been a few attempts at branding Sats, most were complex or too difficult to reproduce by hand.

So the answer needs to be both distinct and recognisable, but incredible simple to reproduce by hand.

Taking inspiration from the existing bitcoin brand "₿" and the culture of "stacking sats", here's where the idea started.

Take the component parts of the ₿ (where they come from), simplify and stack (what you do with them):

Now to solve for uniqueness.

Rotating gives us a couple of options, the first being to just leave as is.

The second, trace a geometric "S" — works on screen but likely wouldn't pass the handwritten test.

One more tweak, let's take the stack and make a simple adjustment.

A global symbol for storing time, which (in my opinion) is the most compelling narrative for bitcoin adoption.

A reminder of your most scarce resource every time you see it.

In action:

On paper:

Cheers for reading!

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