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Jul 16, 2021, 11 tweets

1/ What's caused the catastrophic flooding in Germany and Belgium?

Follow this thread for the latest on the extreme weather across western Europe which has killed dozens and left hundreds more missing


2/ "Climate change has arrived in Germany" -
Germany's environment minister, Svenja Schulze

European leaders claim climate change is to blame for the extremity of the flooding

3/ 'You'd think we'd be smart by now. We have flooding across Germany, we are going into a heatwave in the UK, and we've just seen record temperatures across North America - and this is the most polite climate change will be to us' -
Dr @NachmanyMichal

4/ Where has been hit by flooding in Europe? 👇

One of the worst affected areas is the state of Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany, where many are thought to have died in flash floods

5/ 📍 Erftstadt-Blessem, Germany

Houses collapsed here leaving several people missing

📷 Credit: District Government Cologne

6/ "One man told us if anyone had been in his house on the evening of the floods they would have been killed."

@skynewsmichelle reports on flooding in Arloff, Germany

7/ "Completely gone."

European correspondent @skynewsmichelle meets people in Arloff, Germany whose homes and businesses have been destroyed by flooding

8/📍 Maastricht, the Netherlands

A trailer was spotted floating down the Meuse River

9/ 📍 Pepinster, Belgium

An interview with the mayor of Pepinster was interrupted by the sight of a flooded building collapsing and people escaping on the roof

10/ "There's been untold misery caused."

Sky's @hannahtpsky reports from the scene of flooding in Pepinster, Belgium and says there are questions "about the fingerprints of climate change on these extreme weather events".

11/ What do climate activists think?

@Luisamneubauer, known as the 'German Greta' told the #DailyClimateShow, "we would hope that people wouldn't have to be dying in floods for a government to acknowledge that we are in a climate breakdown"

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