NASA Webb Telescope Profile picture
The world's most powerful space telescope. Launched: Dec. 25, 2021. First images revealed: July 12, 2022. Verification:

Jul 16, 2021, 10 tweets

Tomorrow is #WorldEmojiDay! We’d like you to guess some Webb-themed emojis and tell us what they are in the comments below ⬇️ We'll reveal the answers soon!

1. The first answer is “Webb telescope”! That’s us — the largest and most powerful space observatory ever built. Webb will look back to about 13.6 billion years ago, observing the first stars, galaxies and more. Latest milestones:

2. It’s “sunshield”! The sunshield is a 5-layer, tennis court-sized structure that will always protect Webb's sensitive mirrors & instruments from the heat/light of the Sun, Earth and Moon. More:…

3. This one is “exoplanet.” Webb will be able to study exoplanet atmospheres by breaking down light to learn more about the gases present. More:

4. Yep, it’s “black hole”! Webb’s infrared vision will be able to pierce through the dust surrounding the cores of galaxies, shedding light on the mysteries of supermassive black holes:

5. The answer is the main “asteroid belt” — a huge cluster of asteroids between Mars and Jupiter. Webb will examine the composition of multiple asteroids within the belt to learn more about the history of our Solar System:

6. It’s “spacecraft bus,” one of Webb’s major components. This structure handles things such as steering the observatory, sending & receiving data from Earth, and converting sunlight into power:

7. If you answered “redshift," you are right! Cosmological redshift refers to how light stretches into longer, "redder" wavelengths as the universe expands. Download this infographic:

8. It’s “spectrograph”/spectrometer! Webb has multiple spectrographs, which are used to disperse light from an object into a spectrum. Analyzing the spectrum of an object can then tell us about its properties, such as the composition of an exoplanet’s atmosphere.

Thanks for playing along! We hope you had fun ☺️

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