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Jul 16, 2021, 18 tweets

#iskenderkayabeyli - the only character in Alev Alev that had 3 mottos:
1. at the start: We are a family, we'll protect each other till the end.
2. I listened to the voice of my heart and here I am
3. I chose to become the person people believed I am
Why is that? #ร‡iรงDer +

The first one was the motto of the Kayabeyli family, often used as an intimidation tactic or to show a false unity in a deeply broken family. Iskender has sought recognition and to feel like an equal part of Kayabeylis. It was his driving force throughout the show. +

The last time Iskender said these words was ironic, to his mother, when he discovered that his father figure Celebi has used childhood trauma to gain political points and keep him by his side. By that point, he has already severed ties with him and AILE. He was plotting revenge.+

Even so, his desire to be accepted never faded. He finally severed all ties with his poisonous family when he understood he will always come at second place in his mother's heart compared to Celebi. So he reported them both to the police and has ended that poisonous cycle. +

The second motto. That sentence describes the loving Iskender, the playful, innocent Iskender. Iskender allowed this side to bloom only next to Cicek and Atlas. This was the inner child of Iskender, a young man in love. Everything good in him was represented through these words.+

Iskender's relationship with Atlas is heartwarming. He has shown such love to that child for many reasons:
1. Atlas is his only tie to his dear friend, Simal
2. He sees his lost childhood in him
3. That child is left all alone in this world
4. He represents his hidden innocence+

Even Cicek couldn't stay immune to his love for Atlas. She chose to say these words, to defend Iskender, in front of Ruya, of all people. The love they both felt for this defenseless child was their biggest tie and a catalyst that blossomed into cooperation, adoration, and love.+

His love for Cicek, of course, is legendary. He even became a killer for her, he was willing to give up the company to save Atlas, he even got Ali out of jail to make her happy. He did all of this, without any hope that she could ever return his feelings. His love was selfless.+

This brings us to the last motto. The most important one for understanding Iskender Kayabeyli, his motivation, and his actions. Iskender never had to face accountability in his life. He had many enablers. Arzu, Celebi. We learn that even Simal was soothing his conscience. +

Whenever Iskender tried to be honest with Celebi, he would convince him to act innocently. To blame others for his mistakes. Celebi would often manipulate Iskender into doing all sorts of stupid things, not by asking, but by goading him into being a man. With Omer, Ali, Simal +

There is more. His biggest conscience soother, Arzu. Arzu never allowed him to face his mistakes, by calling them an accident. By asking him not to dwell on the past. By keeping him liquored up. Anything, as long as he complies with the 'accident' lie. Look at the two scenes.+

Iskender finally takes accountability for his actions that caused the fire and Simal's death. But Arzu resets him to his denial again, because, in the next episode, he tells Ruya this. Again, the same word. However, when he is away from Arzu's influence, he complies with a nod. +

Iskender's motivation, so beautifully demonstrated in his speech to Cicek. Everything he ever did was to show he was worthy of his brother's pride. The moment all our hopes of his innocence fell into the fire he caused. All of this was to prove Celebi wrong. To one-up him. +

Cicek was the first person he explained his motivation too. Right after Kenan's death, after getting a slap from Simal, etc, he would pick himself up and continued with his life. She asked him how does he do it? How can he play with Atlas so carefree, as nothing has happened? +

It is his duality. The only thing his enablers couldn't silence were Cicek's screams. Because he saw her vividly whenever he closed his eyes, even at the start. That's why we saw him only remembering pushing Cicek. Because her death was the only thing he couldn't forget. +

He broke out of an enchanted cycle of emotional abuse and suppressing his feelings (C always told him he is emotional), once he's forced to face his mistakes. Here, alone, 'betrayed', he admits everything and accepts the consequences of his actions for the first time in his life+

So, his dual nature prevailed. Yes, he stopped running from himself, accepted the punishment he deserved... But in return, he got the love of his life and hope for a better tomorrow. That is why is one of the best-written/acted and most consistent characters in dizis. #รงiรงder

@UnrollHelper unroll

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