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PRESIDENTS OF WAR, 9 other books. @NBCNews Presidential Historian. @PBS contributor. Born Chicago. My Threads link is https://t.co/9r7VWCiF7W

Jul 17, 2021, 8 tweets

In latest pronunciamento from defeated ex-President, he calls himself a “wonderful person” and golf “champion.”

Maybe ex-President Nixon will now issue a proclamation declaring himself a “wonderful person” and bowling “champion.” (This photo wasn’t the only time in Nixon's career that he stepped over a line.)

Ex-President Nixon would also like you to know that he is a swimming “champion."

Ex-President LBJ has been in touch to tell us that he is a swimming “champion” too. (Here looking like a figure in a Gothic painting.)

LBJ has also just declared himself a dominoes “champion”:

The Black Sox want you to know that they were the “champions” of the 1919 World Series:

Rosie Ruiz falsely claimed to be the “champion" of the 1980 Boston Marathon after she cheated and “sneaked into it about a mile from the finish line”:

In 1958, Arthur Hardman, salesman of cemetery plots in Houston, claimed he was “champion” of the Irish Sweepstakes. He alleged that he had lost his winning tickets but deserved the prize money (more than $140,000) anyway.

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