Cleavon MD 💉 💉 💉 Profile picture
Emergency Medicine Doctor & Iraq War veteran on the frontlines of the pandemic interested in global health crises. #SoulsLostToCovid

Jul 17, 2021, 9 tweets

With the delta variant rampant, it's time to start paying closer attention to the pandemic across the United States.
- New cases: 41,445
- Hospitalizations: 23,492 (+688)
- In ICU: 5,906 (+237)
- New deaths: 349

Week-over-week trend in new COVID-19 deaths

Current hotbeds

😷 Covid Update:
Sunday July 18, 2021

- New cases: 22,938
- Hospitalizations: 24,287 (+795)
- In ICU: 6,129 (+223)
- New deaths: 145

Current COVID 19 hotbeds in the United States

1. Nevada: 819 Hospitalizations

2. Missouri: 1,466 Hospitalizations

3. Arkansas: 681 Hospitalizations

4. Florida: 4,151 Hospitalizations

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