At Beverly Gardens Park in Beverly Hills, where people have gathered in solidarity with protesters in Cuba. A small group of right wing protesters have shown up for the Freedom Rally, which is scheduled to resume for weekly gatherings today.
Here is the Freedom Rally group, many of whom were at the Wi Spa protest earlier today.
One protester says that she is there to support the right for Cubans to speak. “It has nothing to do with Socialism. It’s simple; we’re here for freedom.”
Some of the protesters begin singing the Cuban national anthem
There’s some commotion between the Cuba protesters and the Freedom Rally folks. Not sure what set it off, but apparently some choice words were exchanged and people on both sides had to be held back.
The Cuba ralliers have moved down closer to Canon, apparently to get further away from the Freedom Rally people, who number far fewer.
I spoke with one woman who lives in LA but spent the first 27 years of her life in Cuba. She says that it’s been hard for her to watch her friends and family get hurt for protesting and calls on the international community to condemn the government’s actions.
One of the leaders of the rally, @yayocuban, goes further and says that he wants the United States to intervene to protect his “brothers and sisters in Cuba.”
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