Carole Cadwalladr Profile picture
Late adopter. Late giver-upper. Guardian & Observer writer.

Jul 18, 2021, 9 tweets

NEW: 'Murderous' 'reckless' 'diabolical'. UK's herd immunity strategy reverberates around the world.

What do you do when your own government is not just failing to protect you but is actively putting you in harm's way?…

This is the fourth week in a row that @allthecitizens newsletter has majored in herd immunity.

This week the realisation of what the govt is doing finally broke through. And yet there's no way to stop it. Despite the collective horror of the international scientific community.

What we are seeing tomorrow is not Freedom Day. It's #UnFreedomDay. It's a day on which the powers of unreason & untruth will triumph. A triumph that will kill people you know. And leave 10s of 10000s with a debilitating, long-term condition.

It's what happens when a government has a reckless disregard for truth, facts, expertise. When it rides roughshod over norms & institutions. When there is no way of holding it to account.

This is not a separate problem from the 152k dead. It *is* the problem.

We've worked with @dgurdasani for 2 months to investigate the spread of the Delta variant in schools & the govt's cover-up.

A herd immunity by mass infection strategy in all but name.

This week, we literally staged an intervention. Britain, the addict destroying not only its own health, but that of everyone around the world. We brought together an amazing panel of international scientists who told us our govt's strategy is 'murderous'

It made headlines in Britain & around the world. The world is watching us with horror. But what now?

Even Prof Whitty says it's 'scary'. Scarier still when people who should speak up, don't.

We are entering the unknown. We're doing what we can. It's not enough. But if you're able to support our work, we can & will do more 🙏…

This thread has highlights from international summit & what newspapers around the world are saying about it.

In last 9 days, we've hosted 3 of these emergency summits. More than 300k have watched.

THANK YOU to scientists & drs who made it possible🙏

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