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Jul 18, 2021, 8 tweets

This is the definitive oral history of how Donald Trump took over the GOP.

We collected never-before-reported details from Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and 20 other insiders about Trump's tumultuous journey to becoming the party's 2016 presidential nominee.…

📕 Chapter 1: The escalator.

The most famous escalator ride in American political history was almost an elevator ride.

Team Trump chose the escalator, and that moment would set in motion a 13-month ride that would ultimately ensconce him atop the GOP.…

📕 Chapter 2: Early disasters.

A month later, Trump attacked Sen. John McCain. "He's not a war hero," Trump said.

It proved to be the first of a series of moments early on when it looked like Trump's campaign was over before it had even really begun.…

📕 Chapter 3: The debates.

On August 6, 10 Republican presidential candidates took part in the first debate.

Trump was a neophyte to debates, and his team was more interested in hanging out with Aerosmith's lead guitarist Joe Perry than prepping.…

📕 Chapter 4: Republicans cannibalize themselves.

By the end of 2015, the oxygen deprivation had winnowed the field by five candidates.

Those left were trapped in something like a prisoner's dilemma in which they turned fire on everyone else but Trump.…

📕 Chapter 5: Trump takes control.

In March, as the contest narrowed, Trump went on a tear on Super Tuesday, winning Virginia, Vermont, Georgia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Massachusetts, and Alabama.

In May, Ted Cruz suspended his campaign.…

📕 Chapter 6: The RNC.

Trump's takeover of the GOP would culminate in a dark, authoritarian speech that would presage much of his reign over the country and, years later still, his party.

"I alone can fix it," he infamously claimed.…

📚 Subscribe to Insider to continue reading the definitive oral history of Trump's ascension to the top of the GOP.…

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