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Jul 19, 2021, 12 tweets

Anti-mask group celebrates ridiculing a cancer patient until she cried at a Bristol Farms grocery store in Los Angeles.

Identified. This is Roman Drake, who works in the commercial film industry.

H/t @chadloder

Here is Amy, the cancer patient the anti-maskers ridiculed into crying, explaining she wears a mask regardless of being in a pandemic.

Roman Drake is part of a group that isn’t shopping, but specially entering retail stores to harass employees and shoppers over masks and the vaccine.

There is no need to engage attention desperate trolls on Twitter. Report his tweets to @TwitterSupport for bullying.

@PatreonSupport, Are you ok with Roman Drake ridiculing cancer patients, harassing masked shoppers, and raising money on @Patreon?

Action items:

Patreon users can report the account here:…

Others can email Patreon here:…

Cancer patient harasser Roman Drake is on YouTube and can be reported.

@YouTube, you ok with someone who goes into stores harassing cancer patients profiting off your platform?

Report YouTube here:…

Facebook and IG accounts to report. Plenty of posts to choose from. Don’t feed the troll, just report.

@tiktok_us has already banned him.

Patreon gave more instructions for reporting cancer patient mocker Roman Drake’s account…

Of course the guy who mocks cancer patients until they cry is a huge Trump supporter…

Ethan Schmidt also harassed the cancer patient calling her a “Karen.” Ethan travelled from Arizona to harass Los Angeles to harass people wearing masks.

@CashSupport, Ethan Schmidt led the group that ridiculed a cancer patient (above videos) until she broke down crying.

Ethan posts these videos and raises money off them on @CashApp to fund more harassment.

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