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Jul 20, 2021, 12 tweets

Reading @CarolLeonnig's and @PhilipRucker's book now, and there are scores of examples of this. It's maddening but necessary reading.

oh, look, Trump was "in a frenzy" wanting to fire someone because she said publicly there was going to be a pandemic with, like, lots of people dying but it just wasn't worth arguing with him or telling the public the president was off his rocker

gosh what would we have done without Melania trying to talk her husband into being rational

oh wait it didn't work how could that be

so president nutjob in the situation room said he thought maybe the pandemic was a "good thing" because now he wouldn't have to shake the hands of all the "disgusting people" who voted for him

Herr Präsident stabiles Genie vanted to hold a parade for himself on July 4 mit Panzern und Flugzeugen but Pentagon brass thought it would be too 1930s Germanyish

update on tfg wanting to be on Mt. Rushmore

Is the potus a danger to the country? Not my place to say

anonymous congressman who privately believed tfg was dangerously deranged praises anonymous officials as heroes for protecting us from the dangerously deranged president whom they enabled and sucked up to and pretended wasn't dangerously deranged

tfg regretful and remorseful in the wake of Jan 6

... jk

look, I know you all want to blame tfg but it wasn't his fault; he was "desperate" and "extremely weak" and "vulnerable" and people "took advantage of him"

So much more here. These bits were but the tip of the iceberg.…

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