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Jul 20, 2021, 6 tweets

Vin Scully sounded strong.

He also sounded sad.

In some of his first public comments since the Jan. 3 death of his beloved wife, Sandi, Scully answered a recent phone call from @BillPlaschke with both resignation and hope.


What ensued was a 30-minute conversation that revealed the human side of a Los Angeles sports deity, the city’s most trusted voice lowering his tone to share the anguish of his loss, the path toward his recovery, and the wisdom gained on the journey.


Scully spoke from his heart, which was indelibly broken when his wife of 47 years died of complications from ALS.

“I believe it’s God’s plan. We had wonderful times together,” he said. “He’s called Sandi home, and I’m just waiting for the call.”


Scully is hanging in there.

That is about the only way to describe it.

The man so renowned for his wonderful musings on baseball now honestly speaks about Sandi’s death with the same elegant, yet pained, grace.


Four days after Sandi’s death, Scully suffered another loss with the Jan. 7 passing of longtime Dodgers manager Tommy Lasorda.

That is a lot for one man to handle.

Scully said he soothes himself by planning on another reunion.


Plaschke also asked, for the record, if Scully wouldn’t come out of retirement even for an inning on a Dodgers broadcast?

Scully sighed.

“I’m done. Really I am. People have heard me enough.”


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