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Jul 20, 2021, 6 tweets

Jason Lilley was a special operations forces Marine Raider who fought in multiple battles in Iraq and Afghanistan during America's longest war 1/6

As Lilley reflects on Joe Biden's decision to end America's military mission in Afghanistan on Aug. 31, he expresses love for his country but disgust at its politicians and dismay at the blood and money squandered 2/6

'A hundred percent we lost the war,' Lilley says.

Comrades were killed and maimed in wars he says were unwinnable, making him rethink his country and his life 3/6

Biden says that the Afghan people must decide their own future and that America should not have to sacrifice another generation in an unwinnable war 4/6

'Was it worth it? It's a big ass question,' said Lilley, who was on the front lines of America's Global War on Terror in Iraq and Afghanistan for almost 16 years 5/6

He said he deployed believing troops were there to defeat the enemy, stimulate the economy and uplift Afghanistan as a whole.

They failed, he said via @ByTimReid 6/6

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