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Jul 20, 2021, 14 tweets

The Summer Games are here!

* New event skins
* Copa Lúcioball Season 5
* Funky Baptiste Immortality Field is a disco ball

Patch Notes: us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t…

Winston Ocean King - Week 1 Challenge

Pharah Sunset - Week 2 Challenge

Hanzo Nihon - Week 3 Challenge

Ashe Poolside with "Deadlock Soaker" water gun and dynamite that's filled with water balloons.

Mei Sprinkles with a blaster that runs off sprinkles.

Orisa Referee

Sigma Scuba with his toes actually covered. Bubbles rise out of his shoulders, too!

Symmetra Mermaid with a tail that flaps around and gun and teleporter have tentacles.

New Medal victory poses for Echo, Genji, and Reinhardt.

Heads-up: The sprays can look washed out if you have the nighttime Lucioball background while you look at them in the Hero Gallery, but when you spray them in matches they look fine.

Reinhardt Marshmallows emote

Wrecking Ball Beach Mode emote with faint music to relax to.

Soldier 76's Grillmaster highlight intro and it's INCREDIBLE

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