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Jul 20, 2021, 19 tweets


The German Experiment That Placed Foster Children with Pedophiles…\

I first learned of this experiment in a paper titled, 'Boy-Lovers and Their Influence on Boys,' by Edward Brongersma.

The same year his paper was published, the creator of the program changed his opinion of the program’s success - after one of his adopted sons committed suicide. (from The New Yorker article)

Brongersma’s paper was part of a double volume devoted to “intergenerational intimacy” published by the Journal of Homosexuality in 1991. The publication aimed to “establish a climate in which a less emotional and a more open and scholarly discussion [of pederasty] is possible."

Another paper from the collection was written by Gisela Bleibtreu-Ehrenberg, PhD. Title: ‘Pederasty Among Primitives.’ She suggested our prejudices on pederasty are imprinted by “the white man’s way”.

In ‘Understanding Childhood Sexualities,’ Kenneth Plummer, PhD, argued: “ “Childhood” itself is not a biological given but a historically produced social object.”

also from ‘Understanding Childhood Sexualities’ by Kenneth Plummer, PhD

In ‘A Model for Group Counseling with Male Pedophiles,’ Gertjan van Zessen, PhD, advised mental health professionals there is no need to condemn or interfere when a man has sex with a boy under the age of 12 “when the partners voluntarily enter into the relationship.”

I began my research into the intersection of scholarship and pedophilia activism after Jordan B Peterson, PhD, posted this on Facebook.

The paper he referenced was titled, ‘A Meta-Analytic Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse Using College Samples’ by Rind et al. It was published in 1998 in the American Psychological Association’s Psychological Bulletin.

Rind et al. advocated researchers “…focus on the young person’s perception of his or her willingness to participate and his or her reaction to the experience. A willing encounter with positive reactions would be labeled simply adult-child sex, a value-neutral term.”

Critical reviews of Rind et al. are covered in this article.…

Vol. 3 No. 2 of Paidika: The Journal of Paedophila (1994) featured an interview with anthropologist Gilbert Herdt, PhD. Herdt studied sex between adults and children in Papua New Guinea. He was asked about normalizing pedophilia. Step 1: deconstruction of language.

Herdt advised Step 2 to normalizing pedophilia: more scholarly research “which would open up the whole phenomenon to a new way of thinking, and closely related, people willing to publicly talk about the research in a way that provides a new kind of fodder for public discourse.”

In a paper published by the Journal of Homosexuality in 1999, Harris Mirkin, Ph.D., noted a need for neutral labels as well.

Mirkin argued the campaign against pedophiles paralleled earlier battles against feminists and homosexuals.

Mirkin asserted the pattern of sexual politics is 2-phase. During phase I: “psychological and moral categories are used to justify ridicule and preclude any discussions of the issue”. Phase II “resembles traditional politics as different groups argue over rights and privileges”..

Mirkin wrote, “Feminist and gay/lesbian politics have recently entered the second phase, while pedophilia is in the first.”

From The New Yorker article. This perfectly captures the dangers associated with regarding academics as icons.

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