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From the bottom to the top & back again. Co-founded @twitch, now working on making videos, https://t.co/J6efUJZmLI https://t.co/TLYT8YIKok @rye

Jul 21, 2021, 5 tweets

Just launched my pod w/ @ImMollyBloom, the real-life Molly Bloom of 'Molly's Game', on YouTube!

Molly ran an underground poker game for Hollywood's 1%, then got raid by the FBI.

She was left w/ one thing: her story.

Here are a few things Molly wants you to know:

[A thread]

Always remember why you started in the 1st place.

When our motivations change, it is easy to make mistakes. Molly's plan from Day 1 had always been to make money, build connections, then bounce.

But she stayed and her motivations changed. This led to a bunch of bad decisions.

Bigger game, bigger stakes.

The more you have, the more you need to worry about.

When working at waitress' salary, Molly's biggest worry was getting fired. When she brought in $5m/year, she had a gun in her mouth.

It's a lot to have, but a lot to lose.

Question your narratives.

Molly pushed her father away for a long time. However, the moment she talked to him, that mental model dissolved.

Don't let assumptions hurt you and the people you love. Ask the hard questions, and hear from them before you make judgements.

More on Molly's path to redemption and finding closure from her past:

What did you learn from her story?

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