Tyler Carditis Profile picture
CEO, Blaze Media.

Jul 21, 2021, 5 tweets

Fauci committed perjury. @randpaul called him out, citing NIH-funded gain-of-function work by Ralph Baric, Shi, et al., in which a synthetic infectious SHC014 recombinant virus was created.
Fauci: "ThAtS nOt GoF!"
Ralph Baric: "It was actually a chimeric gain-of-function virus."

The idea that the Baric, Shi, et al. paper does not include GoF research is laughable. Fauci’s just betting no one will actually read the damn thing, and he’s probably right.

What are the odds it was Fauci himself that saved the pdf file as “Baric, Shi et al - Nature medicine - SARS Gain of function” before attaching it and sending along to Hugh? 👀

Hugh knew exactly what Fauci was worried about: “. . . experiments were performed before the gain of function pause but have since been reviewed and approved by NIH.” 😱😱😱

But I thought Fauci said the experiments weren’t really gain of function? Why so stressed?

The authors of the paper were clearly aware the experiments fall within the definition of “gain of function”, which is obvious to anyone who actually takes the time to read the paper.

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