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Lawyer/Thinker/Politics Songwriter @dirkandthetruth: Dark Dirk/Rose Colored Dirk in my messy mind #awesomedog Fridays #justice, #ravensflock #NAFO

Jul 21, 2021, 15 tweets

Just reading the US Attorneys' letter request to keep Barrack in custody in EDNY. It's pretty nice. A THREAD.

Dear MAGA, the Barrack that got arrested today for being a foreign agent of a Muslim nation was Trump's dude Thomas Barrack. Not the other one. Sorry about that.

4 count indictment: unregistered foreign agent; conspiracy; obstruction of justice; and false statements to investigators. For those keeping score, twitter was enraged about not charging rich white dudes with obstruction of justice yesterday.

Speaking of rich white dudes: here is RWD as a flight risk because he has planes and contacts in foreign nations without extradition treaties.

If he wants to see the light of day again, he has to give up his passports and his planes; disclose all of his foreign assets (under penalty of perjury); pledge his assets and submit to monitoring. Sucks to suck corrupt trumper.

Dumbass apparently used one of those specially encrypted FBI phones to take orders from his foreign employers ... sucks to suck Trumper ...

HOLY SHITBALLS. Part of Barrack's job was to stop a Camp David meeting with Qatar (our ally) over the blockade. THE BLOCKADE WAS ORCHESTRATED BY KUSHNER.

Kushner orchestrated the blockade of Qatar, and then took a bribe to lift it. Barrack ran interference against Qatar in their efforts to lift the blockade. THE SHARKS ARE CIRCLING, JARED. washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/…

The UAE blockades an ally - Qatar - where we have a major military base. Barrack serves as a secret agent for the UAE, and promises to serve the UAE against the US and its ally Qatar. Hmmm ... that kinda sounds like treason.

They interviewed him about it 2 years later, and he lied like the lying sack of shit he is. Sucks to suck, Trumper.

I have no quarrel with the people of Lebannon, but I have a problem with the fact that top Republican is actually a citizen of Lebannon.

The flight risk is not theoretical - one of Barrack's conspirators fled, leaving him holding the bag.

If you dig this kind of thing. Please follow. I try to go to original source documents and give a little truth.

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